All international films will be screened with Croatian subtitles and all international films other than English will be screeend with English subtitles as well.
All Croatian films in the Arena will be screened with English subtitles.
The organizer reserves the right to change the program.
Thursday 7. 7. 2016.
Friday 8. 7. 2016.
Saturday 9. 7. 2016.
Sunday 10. 7. 2016.
Monday 11. 7. 2016.
Tuesday 12. 7. 2016.

Valli Cinema, 17:00
Wednesday 13. 7. 2016.
Thursday 14. 7. 2016.
Friday 15. 7. 2016.
Saturday 16. 7. 2016.
Sunday 17. 7. 2016.

Valli Cinema, 15:00

Valli Cinema, 21:00
Saturday 6. 8. 2016.

Valli Cinema, 21:00
Sunday 7. 8. 2016.
Monday 8. 8. 2016.
Tuesday 9. 8. 2016.
Wednesday 10. 8. 2016.
Thursday 11. 8. 2016.
Friday 12. 8. 2016.