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Instructions and regulations for online ticket sales


How to buy a ticket online?

The programme takes you step-by-step:

1. Select the desired title directly or the code of the title then click Add to cart.
2. Choose the number of tickets.
3. Select the credit card and choose between the options “Continue shopping” or “Continue".
4. Registration or login follows.
5. Check once again the shopping cart and confirm the purchase by selecting “Confirm and pay”.
6. You will be redirected to the PBZ MyCheckOut system where you enter the payee user and bank card details.
7. Confirm the information by selecting “Pay”.
8. Print the provided payment confirmation. The confirmation will be also sent to the e-mail address provided during registration.
9. Upon arrival at the screening it is necessary to show a printed proof of the ticket purchase which will be exchanged for a ticket at the ticket sales point in front of the Arena. Get comfortable and enjoy the film!


1. Online sales are available for regular tickets at the price of 25.00 HRK per selected evening and sets of tickets at a price of 150.00 HRK for all Festival nights (for the Arena programme). The price is inclusive of tax and other mandatory duties.
2. Festival Friends Passes intended for students and pensioners can not be purchased online.
3. Each purchased ticket is valid for the entire evening.
4. The online sales user must be the owner of the credit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club). Currently, online sales through Maestro card are not available.
5. If you lose or forget your confirmation, it will be necessary to queue at the sales point to have your ticket information checked.
6. Pula Film Festival is not obligated to refund the money from ticket sales and is not responsible for any loss in the event of interruption or cancellation of the programme due to adverse weather conditions or extraordinary circumstances.
7. The sales term sand conditions are indicated on the back of the purchased tickets.

We are available for any additional information, questions and suggestions: ulaznice@pulafilmfestival.hr 



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